Version | Change log |
Wind Turbine 8.24 Feb 29, 2024 |
v8.24 - Broken Weblink for Windows 10 Store corrected. v8.16 - AGB, Terms and Conditions and dna license included as (PDF). v8.16 - art. 14 agb defines property taxation, and the basic right to settle from a shelter. v8.12 - Photovoltaic System (2024) Models with 500 Wp per Panel at 200 Euro. |
Wind Turbine 8.07 Dec 15, 2023 |
v8.07 - 2o24 AGB, Terms and Conditions. v8.04 - in voice Form Template update (Pro). v8.00 - on Protocol and Work order Form Templates article. v7.96 - Rose Garden Sale Simulation Model (Nature Simulations). v7.88 - Save As functionality reconf - not to accidentally destroy a saved model. |
Wind Turbine 8.04 Nov 14, 2023 |
v8.04 - in voice Form Template with Invoice and Bus.Reg. Nr. (Pro). v8.00 - on Protocol and Work order Form Templates article added to About Menu. v7.96 - Rose Garden Sale Simulation Model (Nature Simulations). v7.88 - Save As functionality reconf - not to accidentally destroy a saved model. |
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... interested in the world of renewable energy, particularly wind turbines. With a user-friendly interface, it offers an immersive experience into the realm of wind turbine technology and its impact on nature. Nature Simulations is ... It allows users to simulate various scenarios involving wind turbines, providing a visual representation of how these ...